Employee Discounts
Well-Being Discount Products
You also have access to discounts on the following well-being products:
Nature Made Vitamins
Getting started: Visit www.naturemade.com and create an account using your Jnana email address (@jnanatx.com)
Apply the discount code OTSUKA25JT
Please remember, this employee discount is exclusively for personal use and can only be used once per month.​ Enjoy free shipping on orders over $25.00 (after the discount)!
Equelle Products​​
Getting started: Visit www.equelle.com and create an account using your Jnana email address (@jnanatx.com)
Apply the discount code JNANA50 at checkout.
Please remember, this employee discount is exclusively for personal use and can only be used once per month. Enjoy free shipping on orders over $25.00 (after the discount)!
Uqora Products​​
Getting started: Visit www.uqora.com and create an account using your Jnana email address (@jnanatx.com)
Apply the discount code OTSUKA50 for OAPI/OPDC employees and OPH50 for OPHI employees at checkout.
Please remember, this employee discount is exclusively for personal use and can only be used once per month. Enjoy free shipping on orders over $25.00 (after the discount)!
Ekkomi Tea​​
Getting started: Visit https://ekkomi.com and create an account using your Otsuka email address (@otsuka-us.com).
Apply the discount code OTSUKA20 at checkout.