Family Caregiving Support
All Jnana-people have access to caregiver support and management through Ianacare, including:
Unlimited access to a Caregiver Navigator for personalized care and emotional support
Communicate and coordinate care across a personal team of friends and family
Unlock access to employee benefits already available to you, expert content, and vetted, local resources searchable by any zip code
Visit Ianacare's website to create your account and get started.

Support for Any Care Situation
Otsuka's Caregiver benefit is the front door to all the layers of support needed for care happening in the home. If you’re caring for someone, of any age who needs support, Ianacare helps coordinate care and connect you with all the available resources at no cost to you. Ianacare will work with caregivers in a wide range of situations:
Eldercare & Sandwich Generation: Learn how to prepare, leverage resources, & manage family logistics as you raise your family & care for aging loved ones.
Chronic conditions: Rally support for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease, cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious conditions.
Children/Adults with Special Needs/Disabilities: Connect with local services and build an ongoing sustainable support team.
Accidents & Temporary Care: Did you tear your ACL, break an arm, or get into an accident? Ianacare can also support short term medical issues.
Veteran Support: Navigate resources, unlock benefits, and build an integrated support team that veterans deserve.
Your Caregiver Plan:
Create a team of any size to help you with small and the not so small everyday tasks:
Invite friends, family, & co-workers along your journey so they can easily provide help
Make requests & accept offers with meals, rides, appointments, child/pet/respite care
Share your journey in a private feed
Easily organize your care responsibilities & search resources by any U.S. zip-code
Unlock access right within the app
Discover curated and vetted resources
Find free and low-cost community services, programs, and assistance
Access your dedicated Caregiver Navigator any time
Receive 24/7 help navigating critical decisions and conversations (eg financial & legal paperwork, Medicare, managing family dynamics, etc.)
Get proactive support as you create and execute a care plan for your loved one
Receive emotional support throughout your caregiving journey